We offer EU and worldwide delivery with Fedex, DPD and DHL our warehouse in Germany.
We aim to get your order processed and dispatched within one business day.
Orders placed before 1pm will be processed the same day.
For any mistakes made, you can self-cancel your order within 30 minutes of placing your order.
Standard Delivery: 2 - 8 working days (DPD)
Expedited delivery: 2 - 4 working days (Fedex)
Free shipping offers available!
Please see below for European shipping zones and worldwide shipping details.
Expedited Rates will be based on the weight of your order with the best available shipping rates with Fedex. Please note that international shipping costs have increased significantly during Covid.
For free shipping offers in Europe please visit our international website
Or visit on your local site if you're in USA, UK, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.
Expedited Shipping (DHL) - from 30 € (depending on location & weight)
All other countries not listed above, including countries considered in Europe. Rates may vary based on the weight of your order or location